Damian King

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Weekly Roundup - The Lifestyle MOT, Travel Vlogs and Porn Stars

What a week it's been. And, I don’t mean that because of England losing to Croatia (well played lads), or the latest load of bollocks from Love Island! 

Is it just me that finds these irritating twats so irrelevant and an insult to humanity? It’s like society has bred a new breed of adult sized child, who has less integrity than a vegan who secretly gorges on foie gras. I call it the ‘TOWIE’ effect. So called ‘adults’ with their priorities in the wrong order, who buy Gucci loafers, Prada handbags, and have a BMW parked on the driveway.....of their parent's house, WTF!! If these retards lived in the real world of bills and responsibilities, they’d soon be swapping Armani for Argos when the council tax needs paying. 

Talking of bollocks, I’ve also had to unfollow a few people on Twitter, namely porn stars because my twitter feed was becoming somewhat hard to view in public (no pun intended). I love porn as much as the next person, but even I admit there is a time and a place for it. Waiting in line for my Americano at Starbucks flicking on to Twitter, only to find Jackie from Newcastle getting anal from the postman is somewhat inappropriate viewing, at least before breakfast. 

On a more serious note...

As I write this blog post, it’s been just over a month since the passing of Anthony Bourdain. His suicide impacted me in more ways than one. It was a wake-up call to an extent. Life is simply too short to be wasting it doing something that doesn’t excite you and make you happy. Especially, if you’re trying to conform to what you think you should be doing by societal standards and expectations. 

Trying to please other people, before putting your own needs first, is a recipe for disaster. 

I took some time out and re-evaluated a few things in my life. It was a time to clear out any negative energies and be true to myself. Align my lifestyle, my friendships and business pursuits with what makes me happy and fulfilled. Letting go of such things can be a daunting challenge, but one that’s filled with opportunities and possibilities. 

My analogy, and two bobs worth, for what they’re worth. 

Imagine that our heads, brains, mindset, or whatever you want to call it is much like a hard drive on your computer. You’ve been aware that it’s been running slow, not being as responsive as it should be and certain programs have been crashing. So, one morning you decided you’re going to take a look at it and fix the issue. Upon further inspection, you find you have about ten internet browsers open, numerous programs running in the background and files all over the place. It’s been on standby for months and you’ve forgotten the last time you shut it down and gave it a reboot. 

Does this analogy sound like you and your lifestyle? 

Your normally efficient, top of the range computer has been being abused and uncared for, and now runs far less effectively than it should. 

What’s the obvious answer? 

The thing you’ve been meaning to get around to for weeks, months.......dare I say years? 

A service and declutter is needed.

Delete unused files taking up space, tidy your desktop, shut down browser tabs showing YouTube videos, porn or whatnot. Basically, throw out and close down anything that’s hindering efficiency and progress. Finally, give it a scan and empty the trash. 

What are you left with? 

A machine that is easier to navigate, recalling historical data and overall memory capacity has improved, it now runs more efficiently and the output has increased considerably. It’s not rocket science, is it? So why do so many people fail to do it on a regular basis with their own lives?

I took this exact theory and applied it to myself. I took a few days out and switched off. What habits, people, and aspects of my business were not aligning with my values and goals, and what were draining me of energy and creativity? We all have a habit of becoming a hoarder of information, especially in the digital age. But it feels so invigorating to have a personal service and declutter. I call it a lifestyle MOT. We think nothing of getting our car serviced in order for it to run more efficiently, so why not apply that to ourselves?

Is your ego stopping you from making advancements in your personal life or career? 

Let go of your ego and pursue what feels right. It might not always seem like the right thing to do from a logical standpoint, but your gut will rarely let you down. Logic hardly ever plays a part of life’s endeavors, at least the exciting ones anyhow. 

No adventure was ever embarked on based on logic - Damian King

The results.....

More focus, better capacity to think clearly, and a newfound energy and perspective. All I can say is ‘watch this space’. There are some big changes coming. 

Moving on to things on a less serious note...

Travel and adventure

I’ve decided to move to Asia for the Winter. Where I’m not entirely sure. I was contemplating Bali, India, or Vietnam. Unlike previous expeditions, this one will be to work and stay somewhere long term, as opposed to traveling extensively. If anyone has any recommendations on areas or accommodation. Then please let me know in the comments below or hit me up on Twitter or Facebook

On the subject of Facebook why don’t you head on over to the Extraordinary Men Facebook group (Men only) it’s a closed group where we discuss all things lifestyle and personal development (without the mumbo jumbo and bullshit)

On a final note...

So, this type of weekly roundup blog post is something I’m going to do each week. No fixed agenda, just my thoughts and things that have impacted my life during the week. Sowing some seeds of thought for you to take into the weekend. 

Things I’m loving at the moment:

Dip and Flip - get the roast meat sub dipped in gravy. Add to that a bourbon vanilla milkshake and that’s when the magic happens....and you kiss goodbye to your abs. 

Budgeteers YouTube channel - a very basic and roughly edited travel show that captures the real essence of life on the road. Well worth checking out if you’re considering an adventure. 

Karl Watson YouTube channel - can you tell I’ve got traveling on my mind? Another rough around the edges (how it should be) travel show that provides hours of insight into amazing places to travel and explore. 

Wim Hof - I’ve been doing cold shower therapy for a while now, along with breathing exercises. Learn from the best in the business with Wim Hof. Trust me when I say, this shit works. 

My final thought for the weekend...

Why are you doing stuff you hate? Job, relationships, everyday life etc. Who said you have to? Who is forcing you to do things you simply do NOT like doing?  Say, bollocks and do what feels right for once. Add a little spice to life and live it with passion.

Have a good weekend....